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Performance in Primary Duties

Consider the quality, quantity, results, and impact of the Airman's knowledge and ability to accomplish tasks. Initiative/Motivation: Describes the degree of willingness to execute duties, motivate colleagues, and develop innovative new processes.

- Participat d in 2023 Boston Marathon Misson; aid'd interagency partners; streamlined local med operations for 30k runners

- Vigilantly sec'd Air Force One; coor'd with secret service for restricted area--directly supported POTUS safety & transit

- Deployed in support of OEF; monitored vitals/airway/managed bleeding; guaranteed AOR's 98% survival rate
- Equipment custodian; controlled $845K ICU items; sustained availability for 153 US/coalition forces/Afghans
- Performed shift leader duties; 5 staff/10 beds; prepped 84 CCATT/AE/69 transfers; zero delay in care/aerovac
- Received 20 CCAT pts; placed 40+ lines/set-up 15 sterile procedures; safely concluded AOR aerovac mission

- Sustained elements 6 min taxi/aircrew response average; safely moved 860 personnel--topped AF std by 40%

- Meticulous vehicle operator; detailed/serviced three C2 vehicles three times weekly--lauded by 51 FW/CC

- Detailed minded; inspected/serviced 139 vehicles valued at $6.8M--flight maintained 96% msn support rate

- Fulfilled 3.5K veh requests; moved 3K passengers & 40K tons of cargo 1.6K miles on/off base--accident free

- Lead daily upkeep of 139 veh fleet worth $6.9M--zero write ups during semi-annual veh technical inspection

- Hand-picked mid-shift weekend supervisor; led two Amn/two KN--flawlessly supported 1K+ vehicle requests

- Fulfilled 602 vehicle requests; moved 2.4K pax/136K tons of cargo 8K miles--kept 96% mission capable rate

- Expert operator; serviced 134 vehicles, worth $6.8M--zero write-ups in fleet's bi-annual technical inspection

- Meticulous; thoroughly detailed & serviced three C2 vehicles, weekly--ldrs afforded rapid response capability

- Single-handedly supported 225 vehicle requests; moved 1.5K pax/8K tons of cargo/1.2K miles--incident free

- Master "Tank/Mig" killer; provided key aircraft support for 51 FW's pilots--11K sortie flown/zero delays not'd

- Ensures qualified vehicle operators are available to support all transportation requests for dispatch services

- Created first-ever geospatial exercise template; streamlined standard creation process--reduced timeline 90%
- Familiarized Security Forces w/base perimeter threat assessment; created one prod--spt'd wg force protection

-Assisted stage erection for AAFB Global Hawk dedication ceremony--first-class event attended by PACAF CC

- Deployed in support of Ex VALIANT SHIELD; loaded four live GBU-32s...100% release rate/4K lbs on target
- Accomplished four Quality Assurance "ZD" graded evaluations...anchored AMXS superb 91% pass rate FY09
- Prep'd Phase 1 ORE; COLT checked 5 a/c w/pylons...11/12 aircraft accepted/49 WG gen timing "Excellent"
- Flawlessly reconfigured six F-22A from air-to-air to air-to-ground...enabled Wpns load training/12 crew cert'd

- Expertly managed a $500k budget for civilian employees; procurred over $38k to continue tower operations

- Excelled amongst peers; maintained 95% test avg and earned certification in 57% allotted time--fastest in 5 yrs

- Knowledgeable; trained four technicians on tube manufacture processes--increased core task proficiency 40%

- Flightline specialist; accomplished 31 critical mx repair actions--direct efforts saved $84K/7 days downtime

- Expertly repaired C-130 flap skin damage; identified alternate repair methods--saved $118K MICAP/2 days

- Maintained squadron personnel mobility folders, scheduled predeployment requirments; ensured 100% readiness

- Led section in 100% air conditioning upgrades/installation; reviewed $3.5M in contract projects for Misawa

- Supervised repair of air conditioning at Air Force Network facility; protected $2.5M in critical equipment

- Exercise Evaluation Team (EET) volunteer; evalutates Civil Engineer UCC/DCC major accident response

- Expertly evaluated over 120 job orders; developed short/long range goals, an astounding 80% completion rate

- Exercised judgement and initiatieve; made sound recommendation on $1.7M air conditioning upgrades

- Superb manager; programmed/executed recurring work program with impressive 100% completion rate

- Assisted Base Infrastructure Program Review and assessment on central heat plant and steam distribution

- Established contingency plan and trained facility managers for biological/chemical threat to military assets

- Created database/tracked ventilation equipment in two hundered facilities--improved air quality/production

- Maintained 99% completion rate on Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Recurring Work Program

- Led aggressive electrical evaluation of base-wide HVAC systems; programmed conversion to local 200 VAC/50 HERTZ

- Identified over 300 sensitive pieces of equipment valued at $1.2M ensuring frequency compatability

- Coordinated Wing Commander's change of occupancy; zero discrepancies noted during move-in

- Recommended use of user-friendly thermostats and filter replacement media--modernized without expense

- Calculated heat load; orchestrated electrical upgrade, duct modification and installation of 15-ton system--praised by Wing Commander

- Led heavily-tasked CE section in support of Force Protection--supervised erection of 45 bitburg barriers at key points base-wide; enhanced Force Protection

- Replaced or re-pinned over 40 entry gates--eliminated base perimeter breaches, enhanced force protection

- Managed flightline Snow and Ice Removal program--kept airfield operational despite 50% reduction in snow removal assets-- zero delays to airfield operations

- Planned restroom construction at Readiness Flight facility--Conducted cost analysis, recommended in-house project; saved $70K

- Deployed 45 days to Nicaragua; completed $256K in projects--new school/clinic raised QoL for 600 locals

- Saved $70K in bottled water; operated 2 water purification units--made 20K gallons daily for camp personnel

- Installed pressure tank/6K ft of line from water well to base camp--improved shower/laundry water pressure

- Led fire hydrant replacement; ensured 100% fire coverage for AAFES warehouse--$200M in assets protected

- Directed 2-person team to repair 18" storm drain; cleared 330 lbs of debris--avoided flooding to 7 facilities

- Electronically mapped 400 water main valves; KMC database updated--ensured quick id/isolation possible

- Led 3-person water main repair crew; directed damaged line exposure/fix--prevented $4K vs contractor cost

- Spearheaded MFH main sewer stoppage; quickly unclogged 3 manholes--zero interruptions to 4.2K residents

- Conducted security patrols on four deep wells/two reservoirs; protected potable water for 2.8K MFH facilities

- Electronically mapped 400 water main valves; KMC database updated--ensured quick id/isolation possible

- Directed 2-person team to repair 18" storm drain; cleared 330 lbs of debris--avoided flooding to 7 facilities

- Deployed 129 days Al Udeid AB in support of OIF & OEF; delivered 1.8M gallons of water to 32 water tanks

- Performed RWP on 64 cadillac latrines; inspected/repaired all faulty fixtures--extended each facilities service

- Removed/replaced damaged in-ground sewage tank for CAOC dinning facility--restored facilities ops 100%

- Assisted in water main repair at AAFES; 48 hrs around-the-clock ops--minimal impact to 16K weekly patrons

- Maintained air pressure tanks at two facilities; suppression sys 100% operational--lives/$9M assets protected

- Replaced faulty sprinkler head at gym's sport field; achieved total zone coverage--boosted morale of 2K users

- Innovative and resourceful; lead unit's migration to the MBITR tactical radio system

- Detained military member for DWAI, discovered two concealed weapons; ensured safety of all on-scene patrolmen

- Highly valuable first responder--provided first aid to victim assaulted at the Anderson NCO Club until arrival of medical personnel; investigated, apprehended suspect and processed; excellent job!

- First on-scene at accidental shooting; provided medical attention and expertly processed crime scene

- Performed as observer/controller during five USAF exercises; integral to overall success of SF assessments

- Single-handedly extinguished a building fire at the Air Force dormitory while directing responding units

- Expertly led a heavy weapons squad in more than 20 engagements culminating in 30 enemy KIA

- Performed entry control for more than 1,500 exercise personnel into a Protection Level 1 facility during Joint Chiefs of Staff directed Exercise OISHI MUSKRAT 2003--ensured zero security breaches

- Hand-picked to perform security for high profile mission in direct support of ENDURING FREEDOM

- Provided JIT training for 90 U.S. Army personnel tasked to augment deployed forces

- Maintained over $1.5 million in weapons, munitions, and other support equipment--flawless accountability of critical armor assets ensured readiness

- Dispatched to simultaneous domestic disturbance calls; sound judgement delivered safety to all concerned

- Maximized MWD employment; conducted 345 Aggressive Defense Measures--$1.9 bil in resources secured

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