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Air Force Core Values: Consider how well the Airman adopts, internalizes, and demonstrates our Air Force core values of Integrity First, Service before Self, and Excellance in All We Do. Personal and Professional Development: Consider the amount of effort the Airman devoted to improving themselves and their work center/unit through education and involvement. Esprit de corps and community relations: Consider how well the Airman promotes camaraderie, embraces esprit de corps, and acts as an Air Force ambassador.
- Raised $700/donated $200 to local Big Give prgm; funds benefit local homeless/troubled teens--spt our future
- Worked 3 hrs at local food bank; sorted 4000 lbs citrus--275 families fed/boosted positive community relations
- Tutored 3 Airman during tech school; proctored 4hr mathematics exam--recognized by Chaplin/received LOA
- Completed Train-the-Trainer Crse; certified instructor/trained 2 Airman--branch 100% on-time MQT complete
- Aided XXX AFB Child Dev Ctr; 1,000 lbs furniture moved; 12 hrs delivering sup's--improved learning cond
- Dedicated 2 hrs to foodbank; sorted/moved 10K non-perishable food items; 3 mo supply--effort fed 82 families
- ID'd A2-wide issue w/ SCI badge violations; briefed 130+ Amn--incidents dropped from 21 to 12 in one month
- Rallied SSO for weekly office functions; bolstered morale--leader who is ready to take on Senior NCO duties!
- Conducted English reading/writing class on TDY; tutored twenty local nationals--enhanced US/Korea relations
- Exemplifies Air Force motto: service before self; volunteered to fill last minute shortfall to support OEF/OIF
- Hand picked by CC sq drug testing program trusted agent--tested 100+ people/ensured 100% program accuracy
- Honor Guard & Focus 5/6; retreat team member & participated in "Legacy" soccer field improvements/game
- Dedicated Sq mail rep; picked up/delivered 800+ Group/Sq pkg's/letters--ensured uninterupted delivery
- Acted as FM Det courier; safeguarded $3.6M in USD & Iraqi Dinar--decreased dollarization in local economy
- Led 8 outside-the-wire financial missions; supported 300+ members at austere locations w/ financial services
- Instructed 3 new team mbrs on pymt tariffs/entitlements; ensured understanding--reduced discrepancies 20%
- Led elite team to wire eight gov't qtrs w/fiber optics in half of time allocated; coined by USSOUTHCOM/J6
- Outstanding achiever! Awarded AMN/QTR--always professional/positive attitude; true pillar of AF standards
- Hailed by TF16 Commander and Seargent Major for his exemplary work during VTC for Task Force Targeting
- Dedicated base Honor Guard mbr; 78 hrs--displayed outstanding professionalism...commemorated war heroes
- Fitness professional; led fitness center weekly circuit training class--500 base members improved their fitness
- Motivated team player who recognizes unit success is a team effort; always strives to become a better player
- Effective and vital for the success of AF program-leadership style overcomes any obstacle before him-promote!
- Volunteered for Commander's change of command ceremony--excellent military community involvement
- Set the example for 126 Airmen--sacrificed 250 community hours--named 714th Wing 2007 Volunteer of the Yr
- Directed operations in the Collection Management Section--responsible for over 80 Requests for Information (RFIs) a week during active operations--integral to successful intelligence operations
- Played a leading and aggressive role in establishing continuous care packages to forward deployed members
- Motivated team player; contributed off duty time and effort to support unit's self-help project--saved est $15K
- Unit AADD rep; prompt response on four call-outs--key to program success--saved lives & ensured zero DUIs
- Researched, took the lead in unit's migration to the new computer filing and tracking system; great sq support
- Rapidly established dynamic and motivating leader image--coordinated process for Tsunami victim donations
-- Helped displaced victims recover and earned complete respect and admiration from deployed commander
- Key member of Benson fuel tank TCTO project; installed 11 fuel-disconnects--180-day TCTO slashed to 60 days!
- Exceptional shift leader--Led shift in correction of over 500 sensor pod and 300 support equipment discrepancies
- Dedicated to healthy lifestyle; competed in Okinawa open wrestling tournament--won second place trophy
- Active Air Force Sergeants Association team member--recruited six members, helped sign up 120 new members
- Directed unit and active duty AF personnel as team leader during Silver Flag deployment greatly improving
contingency knowledge--surpassed all expectations--hands-on leadership was the catalyst for the entire effort
- Outstanding SNCO, volunteered to act as Operations Chief replacing deployed CMSgt, outstanding job!
- Liased with Japanese Air Force/civilian authorities bus accident response; fostered strong partnership
- Active in community--Prepared family style barbeque for 35th FW at Hirosaki's Cherry Blossom festival
- Conducted OPSEC training for 28 CS--62 mbrs better postured for worldwide deployments--key to readiness
- Hailed by two star General during safety board; provided support; aided in prevention of mishap reoccurrence
New content is posted daily. Check back tomorrow for more examples.